Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Young Husbands Workshop

I have my first weekend seminar lined up! Sometime in January, I will be conducting a 6 hour Saturday workshop with the Northwest Church of Christ in Abilene. The tentative plan is for the workshop to be for young (by young, I think the church means newly married) husbands! I am excited to begin this aspect of my ministry. I hope that this will only be the start of a variety of similar weekend speaking engagements I am asked to be a part of.

If you have any suggestions that you think would be valuable for this workshop on young husbands, leave a comment.


1 comment:

Mark said...

Sounds cool! I hope it all goes well for you. Things helpful to me were some good teaching about money management. Also about learning to be a unit, even when his mom/her mother-in-law feels like she has first claim still on the groom. (I won't go into our specific battles there) Likewise, having realistic expectations for each other. Your wife is not your mother, nor should you expect her to be. I'm sure you've got plenty of good ideas already, but those are my $0.02, since you asked. :-)

You have a beautiful baby!