Saturday, November 11, 2006

Does God Always Get What He Wants?

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A follow-up will be posted soon.



Candle (C & L) said...

God is not willing that any should perish .. unfortunately he cgave himans the freedom to choose so he can't always get what he wants for every individual -- but he does have the power to fulfill his purpose and plans for this world and he has done so.. Does he get what he wants -- No & Yes,

God Bless

p.s came your way via John Dobbs (

Unknown said...

I agree, God, most certainly does not get everything that he wants. Why? Because, in his dealings with us, the goal of one of his desires, love in us, requires him to take a chance on another, salvation of us.

Kyle said...

God isn't selfish in that he cares one way or another whether "he gets what he wants. I think that a very human emotion to "want" things in means that we "want." I think that God designed things for him and that sometimes we don't reciprocate that design. We become the faulty cog. It sets the whole plan out of whack and creates a new design. I think he would still say that the new plan "is good." Not because we made it so, but because he did. Some might see that as him "not getting what he wants." To me it seems that whatever he creates is what he wants.

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Because God has created a universe that majors in free will he probably gets a whole lot of what he does NOT want.

God does not want sin, he does not want death, he does not want hate, etc.

Just came across your blog and enjoyed the thoughtful question.

Bobby Valentine

Danny Sims said...

No, but He is hopeful.