Sunday, May 13, 2007

Life and Livelihood

This morning was the very first Sunday I worshipped with the Mesquite Church of Christ as the Children's Minister. We experienced such a warm welcome. Several individuals invited us to their homes for lunch, worried that we might be celebrating mother's day by ourselves. It was interesting this morning as, in a way we felt like visitors (this was only our second time worshipping with them) but at the same time, we knew that now this is not only our church family but also my employer. Church as been such an integral part of my life since I was born, now it is not only my life but also my livelihood. I am excited to see how this changes things. This morning, several people already began asking me about different projects and things they would like my input on. I think I will likely hit the ground running this week.


1 comment:

Matt said...

A little late but good luck with this new opportunity!