Wednesday, August 16, 2006

In brief...

Here are the bulleted highlights of the last month or so:
  • Krista and I both graduated with our Masters degrees last friday.
  • Krista is dilated to 1.5 and has been have some contractions each day
  • We had a baby shower where Miriam received enough pink clothing to last till she is 16 years old.
  • I began a new job on Tuesday for an adoption/foster casre placement agency. I am the clinical case manager for half of Texas servicing over 600 kids and 200 families.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I guess that is the gist of what is happening. Send me an email of you want more details!




Jacque said...

Congratulations you guys! Good to see you in Abilene.

Jeanine :) said...

Hey Josh!
This is Jeanine Muller...long time no see. Josh and I are in Belgium visiting Luk and Holly and they have your blog bookmarked. Congrats on your soon to be daughter! Say hi to Krista for me! God bless you both!
-Jeanine :)
ps check out my blog at