Tuesday, April 25, 2006

M.Div Or MACM?

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In August, I will graduate with my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. Some of my classmates are going on to work on Doctorates, some are going straight into the workforce as therapists. I, on the other hand, have another masters to finish. Before I began my MFT training I was enrolled at ACU in the Masters of Divinity program. I began the MFT program because I did not feel that my BA in Preaching (Harding University) or my M.Div from ACU were equipping me to do counseling in ministry. I love to counsel people and I wanted for this to be my focus regardless of what ministry position I land.

Currently, I am at a crossroads. To complete the M.Div would mean an addition 10 classes and possibly more than 2 more years of schooling. The alternative is to switch to an MA in Christian Ministry. This would mean possibly 4 more classes and I could be done in December or May. Now is the time to decide because depending on which route I take, I will need to register for classes this summer. I have heard different advice from several people, all of it has been helpful. Any feedback you might have would be appreciated!

Also, Krista and I find out next Monday (5-1-06) if we are having a boy or girl!



Val said...

lol, serving two masters, that was hallarious.

It's about time you started posting again!!! I've missed reading your insites.

Tough call about school. I've been in school for 2 1/2 years straight (including summer school) and so I am FINISHED with school, I can't wait to graduate in Dec.!! But that's my bias. You have to decide what YOU want to do with your education. That will determine which course to take (MDIV, no school. or the other one)

I can't wait to hear if it will be a boy or a girl!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh, I'm checking out your blog while waiting for your dad!
I just wanted to tell you how PROUD I am of you and Krista. You've been going to school for a very long time. Too think that you're considering 2 more years is a big deal. Espcially with your little one on the way. You've always done what's best for others and I know you will base this decision on that very point. Where and how can you be the best for others. I'm praying for you.
I love you, MOM