Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hope for Tomorrow, Inc.

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I started a new job about 3 weeks ago. I am the new clinical case manager at Hope for Tomorrow. HFT is a non-profit foster and adoption placement agency. They are extremely Christ centered in their approach to providing children removed from their homes by the state the kind of care they need.
My job to ensure that the treatment plans written on all the children are meeting the minimum standards set by the state and our licensing agencies. I also am in charge of contracting with therapists across the state to provide counseling for each child.

So far, I have really enjoyed my job. It is challenging at times because I read about why children are taken from their homes and the behavioral problems which are (in my mind) the direct result of not having positive influences in their life. It is rewarding to know that I have a part in helping them to know Christ through the team assigned to work with them. So many of these kids would certainly not have had the chance to develop a relationship with Him if they had not been taken from the home. The efforts of the HFT staff may not end in children having life-long relationships with Jesus, but hopefully they are able to see that there are people who are not going to take advantage or neglect them.


1 comment:

Shawn said...

Hey long time no see! I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your job. But above all congrats on being a Dad....your daughter is beautiful!
