Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I Don't Mean to Offend You...

For some reason, it seems like our society has grown accustomed to feeling like it has a right not to be offended. I feel like anytime I am sharing my opinions or views, that I have to preface what I am saying with, "I am not trying to offend you," or "this is just my opinion." We like in a day where everyone is so thin-skinned that you can hardly help but offend people. WHY MUST WE BE AFRAID TO SHARE WHAT WE THINK!!!! I don't get it... Someone help me out.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Holy Action Figures!

I was browsing J.P. McCarty's site and saw a Jesus action figure. I started to browse the internet to see where I could find one and stumbled across these other Holy Action Figures.

Jesus Christ Action Figure
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With ninja-messiah throwing nails and death killer, cross pump action, over-under shotgun.

God Almighty Action Figure
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Complete with Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, and halllowed cloak of invulnerability.

Satan doesn't stand a chance!!


Monday, October 17, 2005

Ticked, Hacked Off and Extremely Irritated About the Word "P*s*ed"

It seems like recently I have been hearing more and more of a word that I thought was one of those "bad words." When people express themselves using the word, and I am going to say it for the sake of discussion, pissed - there is something inside of me that just cringes. I know that cultures change and words which used to be considered socially unacceptable are now commonplace but how did I get left out of the circle where they talked about how this word would now be acceptable. I don't know that I would have voted for it but I feel that I am behind on the times.
What is even more surprising is that I hear this word in various Christian circles. I have heard Christian friends, professors, family members, and even a minister a time or two use it to express themselves. Am I simply too conservative. Is this word any different than saying that you are hacked off, or ticked or really really angry? Will I look back on this post in ten years and think it was so silly for me to be writing about. There are certain words, even if condoned by society, I will never use - that is, except for the sake of trying to identify its legitimacy. I don't know if this is a sentiment that other people share regarding this word but having heard it several times yesterday, I thought I would express my thoughts. Thanks for reading!


Friday, October 14, 2005

Come Out, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Is there shame in going to counseling? I am sitting in a computer lab at 8:34 in the morning. I have a new client at 9:00 this morning and I am wondering if they are going to come. It has been my experience since I started counseling people that many believe there is something shameful about it. I think that people realize that they may need counseling but for some reason do not make the first step to receiving it. Others may call and set up an appointment but not show up. I suppose if people have lived with the "junk in the trunk", as I like to call it, so far, what is the harm in keeping it hidden for a little while longer. The other thing I have noticed since starting this program a year and a half ago is that EVERYONE has "junk in their trunk." unfortunately, the stigma against counseling, or therapy is too strong. I really appreciate a song that has come out recently by Joy Williams. It is called hide and I think that it really says a lot about the shame that people are feeling and the need to make it known.

Hide by Joy Williams

To anyone who hides behind a smile
To anyone who holds their pain inside
To anyone who thinks they are not good enough
To anyone who feels unworthy of love
To anyone who ever closed the door
Closed their eyes and locked themselves away

You don't have to hide
You don't have to hide anymore
You don't have to face this on your own
You don't have to hide anymore

So come out, come out, come out wherever you are
Anyone who's trying to cover up their scars
To anyone who's ever made a big mistake
We all been there, so don't be ashamed

Come out, come out and join the rest of us
You've been alone for way too long
And if you feel like no one understands
Come to the One with scars on His hands
'Cause He knows where you are and where you've been
His scars will heal you if you let Him


Thursday, October 13, 2005

I am Leviticus....!?!

Here is an interesting website. Take a test, find out what book of the Bible epitomizes who you are. Fun, hokey, but interesting nonetheless.

Here is my "diagnosis." What do you think?

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Which book of the Bible are you?


Labels and Spectrums and Transformation

I sincerely dislike labels. I think they are often arbitrary and subjective. Especially as it pertains to Christians and their theological beliefs. It easy to label people as conservative/traditional and liberal/progressive/contemporary. In reality, it seems as if wherever one might be sitting on the spectrum from the left or right, they tend to consider anyone to the right of themselves, "conservative" and everyone to the left, "liberal." It also seems that in general people tend to think that if anyone is to the right of them, they can still be considered a brother and sister in Christ, but if someone holds views which land them on the spectrum to the left, there are irreconcilable differences. In essence, we are saying that whenever someone may seem to be "playing it safe" there is more security there. Sounds like it should make sense. This is a difficult challenge as on the one hand I consider myself too conservative to say whether someone is safe or not and on the other, it is important for us as Christians to be spurring one another on to be more transformed to the image of Christ. I am not sure that our transformation into the image of Christ can really be put on a spectrum because it ought to always be in transition. I like to think that I haven't arrived yet. I, as one who sincerely dislikes labels, may be thought of as hypocritical for even posting about this. My views are welcomed to be challenged and I know that in most cases are in need of revision. This was just something I was thinking about recently.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

To Learn Spanish or Not!

Several times in my life I have attempted to learn Spanish. Krista is nearly fluent in the language and has been blessed with the opportunity to use it in the work place. She has told me about times when her patients at the hospital were totally clueless regarding what a family member was going through. When they were finally able to talk to someone who could translate what the doctor was saying, their faces lit up.
It seems as if the population of Spanish-only speakers in America is growing. I do not consider this a bad thing, but simply another hurdle in being able to reach people who are in need. I took a year of Spanish in college but sadly, there is not a great Spanish speaking population in Searcy, Arkansas. I purchased a "How to Learn Spanish CD" but who has time to do that. As I near graduation from my marriage and family therapy program, the need to know Spanish fluently is even more glaring. I recently heard that in Abilene (population 100,000 +) there are only two Spanish speaking therapists. This is shocking since there is such a large community of Hispanic people.
Krista and I are faced with an important decision. We want to be able to reach out to others as a team. We have had many chances to serve in Latin American countries and I have felt at a deficit because of my lack of language skills. Upon graduating next August, we are trying to decide if we ought to go to a Latin American country for a few months so that I can go to language learning school full time and be immersed in a culture where I will have no choice but to become fluent. There are several schools we know of. The main ones we have looked at are in Costa Rica and Guatemala. The one in Guatemala, Christian Spanish Academy, seems to be my favorite option right now.
There are many details we are considering regarding this decision. If we were to go for 12 weeks, the cost including airfare would be $5700. We have considered raising support for this given our goals. Missionaries in foreign countries have to learn the language. Why would doing domesitic mission work to Hispanic communities be any different. This is just one of the factors on our minds in making this decision.
Please pray for us as we try and decide what we want to do when we grow up!

God Bless,